about me

blue book on brown wooden board

I’m a science fiction and fantasy author, and poet, based in Atlanta.

My story

Gerald L. Coleman is a philosopher, theologian, poet, and Science Fiction & Fantasy author. He did his undergraduate work in philosophy, english, and religious studies, followed by a master's degree in Theology. He is the author of the Epic Fantasy novel series, The Three Gifts, which currently includes, When Night Falls (Book One), A Plague of Shadows (Book Two), and the upcoming When Chaos Reigns (Book Three). His speculative fiction has appeared numerous anthologies including: The Cyberfunk Anthology: The City, the Roaring Lion Anthology: Rococoa, the Urban Fantasy Anthologies: Terminus 1, 2, and 3, the 2019 JordanCon Anthology: You Want Stories?, Dark Universe: Bright Empire, Cyberfunk!, Spacefunk!, the JordanCon 2022 Anthology: Neither Endings Nor Beginnings, and Whether Change: The Revolution Will Be Weird. His essays appear in the polish language Con-Magazine: KONwersacje, Apex Magazine 127, and the Hugo nominated Fanzine: Journey Planet. His poetry has appeared journals, magazines, and anthologies including: Pluck! The Journal of Affrilachian Arts & Culture, Drawn To Marvel: Poems From The Comic Books, Pine Mountain Sand & Gravel Vol. 18, Black Bone Anthology, the 10th Anniversary Issue of Diode Poetry Journal, About Place Journal, Star*line Vol. 43, Issue 4, the Locust Award nominated Year’s Best African Speculative Fiction (2022), and This is the Honey: An Anthology of Contemporary Black Poets.

He has been a Guest Author at DragonCon, Boskone, Blacktasticon, JordanCon, Atlanta Science Fiction & Fantasy Expo, SOBSFCon, The Outer Dark Symposium, World Horror Con, Imaginarium, Multiverse, Weird Bites, NECON, the Atlanta Writers Club, Closer Look with Rose Scott on NPR, Dragonmount’s reWotch, Glitchy Pancakes Podcast, Blacklisted! Book Fair & Conference, and he’s been a Guest Author/Poet/Lecturer at Berea College, University of Kentucky, Centre College (Governor’s School), Transylvania University, Western Carolina University, UNC Charlotte, Florissant College, Kenyon College, Randolph College, the Carnegie Center for Literacy and Learning, Working Class Kitchen, Black & Lit Book Club, Singletary Center for the Arts (Martin & Malcolm), and the Martin Luther King Jr. Cultural Center.

He’s served as a Scholastic National Writing Juror, a grant reviewer for the Poetry Foundation, is a Co-founder of the Affrilachian Poets, an SFWA member, a Rhysling Award Nominee, a Locust Award Nominee (as an anthology contributor), and a Fellow at the Black Earth Institute. His newest releases include a collection of SF&F short stories entitled, From Earth and Sky, and a collection of poems and micro-essays entitled On the Black Hand Side.

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